Career Counselling

Discover the world of opportunities out there! With Kalosol, you get to explore numerous career paths that can take your dreams further. Get comprehensive insights on academic programs available in different countries, along with their value and quality of education — all while keeping costs in mind.

Qualification & Specialization


A diploma course often provides an opportunity for individuals to sharpen their skills and gain industry-specific knowledge. Typically spanning one or two years, these courses offer a combination of classroom theory and hands-on apprenticeship training in fields like Industrial technology, Beauty & Hairdressing, Garment Technology, Laboratory Technician etc. Those who complete the program acquire practical experience that they can apply directly to any job role - making them valuable assets in today's competitive world!

Advanced Diploma

An advanced diploma is a perfect way to expand your expertise and career potential. From Accounting & Finance, Advertising, Animation or Aviation - the possibilities are almost limitless! Plus, you may even be exempt from up to two semesters of studies in related bachelor courses at universities around the globe. Investing time in an advanced diploma could open doors for both specialized work roles as well as higher level education opportunities – It’s one powerful degree with lots of advantages!

Associate Degree

If you're looking to extend your education beyond high school, but don't yet want the commitment of a full bachelor's degree program, an associate's might be right for you. These two-year studies allow students to experience higher level learning with more technical and career-focused courses available across business and commerce technology; mechanical engineering; data processing - all ways that could help open up exciting professional opportunities afterwards!

Bachelor’s Degree

A bachelor's degree is often a great starting point for your career, and typically takes between 3 - 4 years to complete. Bachelors courses are designed with an emphasis on academic development – such as a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting & Economics (B.Com), which can be completed within three years; or even something like the longer 5½-year long course required to become qualified Doctor through MBBS study. Whatever you choose though, most employers will require at least some sort of certification after completion before they’ll consider hiring!

Post Graduate Certificate

For those looking to develop advanced skills in a specific area of specialization, a Postgraduate Certificate could be the perfect solution. These certificates provide an efficient way for students to qualify professionally and are more concise versions than postgraduates diplomas or Masters Degrees. In countries such as the UK and Australia, they typically take 6 months while Canada has them lasting up to 1 year; with both having their focus on developing employability skills depending upon different fields including Business/Computer Science/ Electrical Engineering etc.

Post Graduate Diploma

Ready to take your education further but don't want the expense of a full degree? Postgraduate Diploma courses are an attractive option! Not only will they help you develop valuable professional skills, some even offer internships with top companies that can give you international job prospects. Make sure to explore all your options today and get ready for success tomorrow!


Obtaining a Master's degree is an invaluable way to take your subject focus and career ambitions to the next level. While requiring at least two additional years of study beyond one’s Bachelor Degree, Masters programs in countries like the United Kingdom can be completed within 12-16 Months – allowing students greater leeway when it comes timescales. Areas of specializations include but are not limited to: Science, Art Law Business Engineering Theology etc.- empowering individuals with arguably unlimited potential for their future paths ahead!

Integrated PHD

Interested in furthering your studies? An Integrated PhD could be the perfect course for you! This 5-year dual degree program enables individuals to combine a Master’s and Doctoral qualification, allowing them to acquire deeper knowledge of their chosen subject. To qualify, applicants need at least have achieved an undergraduate bachelor's degree related to their desired field – so if it is Chemistry that catches your eye then having completed a Bachelor's Degree in this same domain will come in handy. Maths should also have been studied up until 10+2 level. These programs are offered across all disciplines i.e. Computer Science/All Engineering/Life Sciences etc. So why not reap from all areas; research as well as teaching with an amazing opportunity like this!

Shortlisting of Universities

Our meticulous selection process ensures that you only consider the best of universities when making your choice. By evaluating ranking mechanisms from various institutions, we are able to provide an in-depth insight into their quality and ensure our students have access to a top-quality education.

Ranking of Institution

When selecting universities for our students, we take into account their rankings. Ranking can provide a valuable insight into the quality of an institution - something that is at the forefront of our minds when making decisions about potential study destinations.

Accreditation of the Institution

At Kalosol, we know just how crucial it is to choose a university with the highest quality and recognized degree. That's why our team carefully evaluates each institution’s accreditation so you can rest assured that your application will lead to an esteemed diploma from only the most reputable universities.

Academic Percentage [Last Qualification]

University selection is crucial to academic success - it's the foundation on which future studies build. Most universities take into account a student's performance in their field, making achievements and dedication key components of an application.

Scores in Entrance Exams [GRE/GMAT/SAT/TOEFL/IELTS/PTE]

If you want to attend a University abroad, it's essential that you prepare for the two mandatory entrance exams: English Proficiency and Prerequisite Exams. A strong score on the language test (e.g., TOEFL/IELTS/PTE) is important when measuring your fluency—many Universities have strict requirements here! To bolster your application further, consider taking GRE/GMAT or SATs; these tests are often considered in tandem with an applicant’s academic record as well.


In order to ensure enrollment at the best possible institute for our students, we start by speaking with their parents about a tuition fee budget. From there,we actively work within those boundaries to create an ideal educational opportunity that exceeds expectations without straining finances.


Seize the chance to study abroad at your preferred location and enjoy a range of generous benefits along the way! Our team will help you select universities in close proximity to facilitate your journey.

Opportunities for Scholarships/Assistantships

We also provide detailed guidance on how Scholarships/ Assistantships can be accessed, unlocking significant tuition fee waivers that could give you an even greater educational experience overseas.

Campus Safety

Safety is of paramount importance and a major cause of worry for students and parents alike. We ensure that the suggested City, university and nearby areas are safe and don’t have any history of violence.


Living and working abroad can be a fantastic experience for students to gain invaluable real-world skills in their chosen field of study. Universities are now partnering with industry leaders, giving young people the chance to hone those same skills while being exposed to work culture around the globe.

Opportunities for Part Time Jobs

For those who wish to balance studies along with part time jobs, many countries offer off campus employment opportunities that may not otherwise be available back home--especially due its strict laws regarding on campus job postings within America alone! Making an informed choice is key when considering what university will give you all these benefits during your academic program

Feedback from Existing Students and Alumni

At our institution, we understand the importance of making informed decisions. That's why we stay connected with existing students and alumni to provide first-hand feedback about what life is like on campus.


We also make sure prospective students have all necessary information regarding weather conditions in their area—Afterall, it’s essential to ensure they can thrive under any climatic condition!

Admission Requirements

We're committed to helping students reach their highest academic potential. To support this goal, we provide essential information regarding English proficiency requirements and cut-off marks for major exams like GRE/GMAT/SAT--along with helpful guidance on how best to prepare!

Information About Admission Requirements

  • Entrance Tests [GRE/GMAT/SAT/TOEFL/IELTS]: We provide crucial guidance and resources that can help make your future plans come true! Our services cover English Proficiency Requirements [TOEFL/IELTS/PTE] as well as other test-wise [GRE/GMAT/SAT] cutoff requirements, including accepted backlogs.
  • Academic Percentages Required: Institution-wise requirements for percentages along with accepted backlogs.
  • Deadlines for admissions: When applying to a University, timing is key. Missing just one step or deadline can mean missing an entire cycle of admission; that's why it's important to know and adhere to your school's intake deadlines. These could span the Spring, Summer or Fall semesters – some places even have extra steps like scholarship priority windows and document submission periods for you keep in mind! Make sure you remain vigilant with these dates so that nothing holds up your study abroad dreams!
  • Application Fees: Universities require an application fee to consider your admission. You can easily pay the fee online via Credit/ Debit card or bank transfer for a swift and secure process.
  • Documents Required: Applying to Kalosol? Don't forget the necessary documents! Our below checklist and guidelines simplify your admission process by providing clear directions for submitting of these:
    • Certified Copies of Academic Documents
    • How to Order Transcripts
    • Statement of Purpose, Resume
    • Recommendation Letters
    • Financial Certificates
    • Experience Letters
    • Scores of Prerequisite Exams

Visa Guidance/Mock Interviews

Visa Guidance: At Kalosol, we understand the need for students to have their admissions confirmed before they can apply for a Study Visa or Permit. That's why our team of experts is here to help ensure your application process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible! We facilitate the same by providing:

  • Guidelines of Financial Requirements: Kalosol is dedicated to helping students and their sponsors make informed decisions about the cost of living at any destination. Our team has extensive expertise in verifying documents for visa requirements, while providing a detailed breakdown of tuition expenses specific to each Country.
  • Assistance in Filling Visa Forms: Our team of professionals helps international students navigate their Visa applications efficiently, whether it's an online or paper-based form. We make sure that all procedures are followed in accordance with the country’s guidelines.
  • Procedure for Arrangement of Documents: At Kalosol, we understand that applying for a visa can be complicated and exhausting. However, our experienced professionals are committed to guiding students throughout the entire process - from online submissions to personal interviews - so they breeze through this journey with ease!

Mock Interview Sessions: With the complexities of visa procedures, navigating them can be intimidating. Not to worry! At Kalosol Overseas we help students tackle interviews through carefully crafted sessions and mock conversations- equipping our clients with all they need for a successful outcome while conquering nerves and jitters at the same time!

Visa Guidance/Mock Interviews

Unlock your potential by connecting with us to explore all of the possibilities. Our process typically starts off with a call, followed up by an in-person session where you can visit one of our offices for two hours and get detailed insights into how we could help.

Visa Guidance: At Kalosol, we understand the need for students to have their admissions confirmed before they can apply for a Study Visa or Permit. That's why our team of experts is here to help ensure your application process goes as smoothly and efficiently as possible! We facilitate the same by providing:

  • Guidelines of Financial Requirements: Kalosol is dedicated to helping students and their sponsors make informed decisions about the cost of living at any destination. Our team has extensive expertise in verifying documents for visa requirements, while providing a detailed breakdown of tuition expenses specific to each Country.
  • Assistance in Filling Visa Forms: Our team of professionals helps international students navigate their Visa applications efficiently, whether it's an online or paper-based form. We make sure that all procedures are followed in accordance with the country’s guidelines.
  • Procedure for Arrangement of Documents: At Kalosol, we understand that applying for a visa can be complicated and exhausting. However, our experienced professionals are committed to guiding students throughout the entire process - from online submissions to personal interviews - so they breeze through this journey with ease!

Mock Interview Sessions: With the complexities of visa procedures, navigating them can be intimidating. Not to worry! At Kalosol Overseas we help students tackle interviews through carefully crafted sessions and mock conversations- equipping our clients with all they need for a successful outcome while conquering nerves and jitters at the same time!


If you're aiming to study overseas, scholarships can be a great resource for making higher education possible even on the most restrictive financial plans. No matter what program or major piques your interest, many universities and colleges worldwide have opened up their funds and are providing an ever-increasing variety of international scholarship opportunities.

Education overseas doesn't have to break the bank - with many universities now offering an abundance of international scholarships, students are able to access incredible educational opportunities without having to worry about finances. Programs and majors-specific scholarships can open doors for those eager to explore their passions abroad while general study programs provide a chance at totally unique experiences!

Uncovering a wealth of knowledge can open up exciting new opportunities, helping you make the smartest decision for your future. Unfortunately, Kalosol is not affiliated with any scholarship programs; however our knowledgeable team provides comprehensive advice and support to help get students on the right track.

Travel Assistance/ Foreign Exchange

Moving to a new country can be an exciting and daunting prospect. We understand the anxieties that come with this change in scenery, so we offer complete travel and relocation services designed to make the transition as stress-free as possible.

Moving to a new place brings in full of exciting possibilities and worrisome stories. Our comprehensive travel and relocation service is designed to make the transition smooth by carefully considering every detail so there's no need for anxious guesswork.

From worrying about the culture, customs and people in your destination, you might find yourself with plenty of anxieties before arriving. To make sure nothing is left undone during this transition phase, we offer our clients complete travel and relocation services – so they can enjoy their journey without any uncertainties!

With Kalosol, students can experience the joy of stress-free traveling and relocation. Our experts make sure you get best prices for your air tickets and foreign exchange – making it easier for your international travels! Plus, we provide FOREX cards and travel insurance - perfect to ensure a safe journey abroad, initially. Let us pave your way through this transitional phase - come join our journey!

Educational Loan

Looking to study abroad? Let us take the stress away with our education loan assistance. Our expert team can help you choose between private and national banks for your financial needs, providing comprehensive guidance through every step of the process - from application right up to documentation.

Are you looking to secure a bank loan for your overseas education? We understand that the process can be daunting – endless visits and paperwork, with many of us falling short along the way. Kalosol is here to help! Our team will provide reliable advice and assistance throughout the entire application journey, from start to finish - allowing you to achieve stress-free tuition and living expenses abroad.

Navigating the paperwork can be overwhelming but what's even worse is failing in the attempt due simply not presenting yourself correctly. So don't let banking woes prevent your academic dreams - come take advantage of our expert resources!

Pre Departure Orientation

At Kalosol, we understand that preparing emotionally is just as important a step towards successful onboarding. That's why our process takes into account each candidate's experience and expectations to ensure a smooth transition!

This is something that is mostly overlooked as a practice in other service providers. We at Kalosol however recognize the importance of mentally preparing a candidate with the right expectations so that the transition is as easy as possible.

We need the students to be ready to adapt to a new culture, education methodology, food, weather, friend circle etc. We help the students with the following:

  • Easing with the Culture Shock: Moving to a new country and adapting to the culture shock can be overwhelming for many students. It's common that they struggle with feelings of not belonging, which often leads them into social isolation or reluctance when it comes to exploring their surroundings. Fortunately, Kalosol provides invaluable resources offering insight on how best one might tackle these challenges. With an array of previous experiences drawing from scholars across various countries and universities alike-personalised guidance is surely at hand!
  • Easing with the Culture Shock: Once students have been accepted to a university, their next step is obtaining their study permit. With Kalosol here to help every step of the way, they can make this process much smoother. We provide guidance in regards to financial requirements, filling out visa forms and more.
  • Accommodation and Airport Pickup: Navigating an unfamiliar country as a student can be daunting- but you don't have to go it alone! With support from our team, we'll arrange for your airport pickup so that despite any immigration delays or long flights, you won't arrive at your destination feeling disoriented. We also offer assistance in finding accommodation - with the university and other students already living together – so you can rest assured of having somewhere safe to stay during your time abroad.
  • Things to Carry: Before embarking on an international journey for studying, it is important to know exactly what should be packed. To lighten the burden of unnecessary items and avoid surprises from dress codes or lack of availability abroad, Kalosol offers comprehensive country-specific checklists filled with essential information so you can arrive prepared! Be sure not to bring any clothing specific to India; winter wear may require extra consideration depending upon your destination. Furthermore, take note that many medicines are only available through a doctor's prescription overseas - packing certain staples ahead will prove invaluable in those early days!
  • Do’s and Dont’s: Kalosol will offer students the unique opportunity to experience a culture entirely different from their own. However, in order to truly become part of that society they must learn and follow social norms and customs specific to each country which Kalosol can provide through an informative checklist.

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